
Quick poll.

My next trip, in October, will probably be to either Hawaii or Ireland. I'm not sure which. Any advice? Which would you choose? Or would you go somewhere else entirely? I just saw "Motorcycle Diaries" which was amazing and made me want to travel to South America, but that's going to have to wait until my trip with Sarah in 2007.


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been to Ireland, which was crime ridden and full of cloudy skies, I vote Hawaii.

you could take a surfing lesson!

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yay for our trip to South America! :) Hey, you could go to Hawaii and be an organic farmer for a couple of weeks- free gardening tips plus room and board. www.wwoof.org

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hey, I'm about to lose my mind- maybe we should meet somewhere exciting on my week off in February? If I last that long with no real vacation... Oh, and if money starts shooting out of my ass.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ireland's great and all, but you know what? They got leprechauns there. And a leprechaun will eat you and your entire family if given the chance, so you've got to be constantly on guard, and you know what? That's just not what a vacation is about.


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